Friday, 12 November 2010

Researching & Designing Mastheads

I completed a brainstorm of all the words I associated with the word pop.

Then I made a list of potential names from that brainstorm

1)     Insound
2)     Upbeat
3)     Popular
4)     Pop Culture
5)     Vibrant
6)     Distinct
7)     Alive
8)     Movement
9)     NO.1
10)  Platinum

I then looked at differnt brands as it is vital to have an identity.

These are famous clothing brands (eg.Nike) that have made a name for themselves with just a logo.

I then looked at music magazine UNCUT and focused on its identity and how that reflected the genre.

My chosen name of my magazine is number one. The reason I chose this name is because it is catchy and it stands out. The image that  is generated with a title like number one is that it is the best magazine of it's genre. It is one of a kind. My graphic to include with this title is a microphone on a stand inside a block number one.

I completed NO.1 magazines brand identity and why i believe it is unique, and how it will portray the pop genre.


 I then completed the very first draft of my masthead

From that I designed three mastheads

I chose the third masthead as every aspect of it stands out, which is unlike the others which blended in. The colour scheme fits well with my social demographic as I have chosen to focus on girls aged 10- 14. The image of my audience who are stereotypical girly girls made me decide on the final chosen colours.

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