Monday, 28 March 2011

NO.1 Magazine (Final Draft)

Front Cover

This is the final draft of my front cover. It is improved to my previous drafts as it carries on the young feel with the use of crayon. Also it has more pictures to show the youthful image.

Contents Page

This is the final draft of my contents page. This is improved from previous drafts as I have placed the pictures and text on one side. I chose to place the text on the left natural eye travel is left to right. The reason the side is ripped and the pictures have a felt-tip boarder is to enforce the young/ child image and target audience.

Feature Page

This is the final draft of my feature page. It has been improved form previous drafts as I have change the background to a plain one, so that atttention is drawn directly to the pictures. I have also added facebook and twitter links so that my magazine is up- to - date with the new technology. I have also added banners with reference to my magazines website and a competition. This is because I am aware it is important for magazines to promote themseleves.